Our First Home

Brittanie Garrigan /

Matthew and Brittanie are a young couple looking to purchase their first home within the next few years. They recently moved to Austin, TX so that they could be closer to Brittanie’s three year old nephew and be a staple in his life. They love the area and atmosphere and would love to settle down permanently, however Brittanie just opened a small salon business and Matthew is still in school. They currently rent an apartment and this makes it harder for them to save. Anything that you could give to make their dreams of purchasing their first home would be so great and very much appreciated!!! 
My Dream! Owning my home.

Jordan German /

I have always been extremely interested in real estate, doing a lot of research online about investing in real estate, and just the feeling of owning my own property one day would truly be a dream come true you don’t even know.  If I can get 10% down payment I will be able to purchase my own condo and hopefully one day turn it for a profit, so choosing a home and location is key. I’m excited and hopeful.